拍品號碼 1075

Clement Ho's Collection   October, 2023

拍品號碼 1075
起標價: 4,000 HK$
成交价: 6,500 HK$
1901年4月14日清一次片自保定掛號寄德國,混貼蟠龍4分票2枚、5分票1枚、法國客郵5生丁和30生丁各一枚,分別銷保定大圓戳及上海法國客郵局日戳,旁蓋2款R字掛號章、上海中國郵局、天津中轉戳和德國到達戳。上品。 mixed franking with CIP 4c x 2, 5c, French PO in China 5c & 30c, tied by Paoting Dollar cds. and Shanghai French PO cds. respectively, along with 2 types of "R" cachets, Tientsin, Shanghai Chinese PO transit and Germany arrival cds. VF-F.