拍品號碼 1005

Clement Ho's Collection   October, 2023

拍品號碼 1005
起標價: 6,000 HK$
成交价: 10,000 HK$
1903年清一次片自樂陵寄英國,加貼蟠龍半分票2枚、1分票2枚及2分票1枚,銷樂陵六號碑型木戳,旁蓋滄州郵政局碑型戳、天津、上海中國郵局和法國客郵局中轉戳。樂陵(六)信柜碑戳實寄海外例子十分罕少且兼有滄州碑戳,難得有此組合,上品。 uprated by CIP 1/2c x 2, 1c x 2 and 2c, tied by Leling #6 Post Office wooden tombstone marks, along with Changchow Post Office tombstone mark, Tientsin, Shanghai French PO and Chinese PO transit cds. Such Leling #6 wooden tombstone is fairly rare having its overseas mail, and for this one, it is even better to combine with Changchow PO tombstone. VF-F.