拍品號碼 5484

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5484
起標價: 1,600 HK$
成交价: 2,800 HK$
1949年9月福建笏石寄福州對剖票封2枚,分別貼印花稅票改作銀圓1角對剖票左半和右半枚,銷福州笏石三格日戳,旁蓋福州到達戳。這款對剖票因笏石郵局1分及4分票短缺而使用。 f.w. bisected Revenue stamp surch Silver Yuan 10c left and right stamps (Chan S206) respectively, tied by Fukien Fushek cds., along with Foochow arrival. This bisected stamp was used because of the shortage of 1c and 4c stamps in Fushek PO.