拍品號碼 5328

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5328
起標價: 2,000 HK$
成交价: 2,000 HK$
1931年11月26日重慶寄法國航空封,改經西伯利亞鐵路送遞,貼航空票3角,銷重慶半切漢英日戳,旁蓋"倘遇航空郵遞有阻 / 請交次班輪運寄發"指示戳。背面蓋有巴黎到達戳。此封於重慶-漢口之空郵服務開通五週後寄出。

f.w. airmail issue 30c, Junk 1c, 4c and Reaper 30c x 2, tied by Chungking bisected bilingual cds., along with "If flight is postponed, please turn to packet for delivery" cachet. On reverse with Paris arrival. This cover was sent 5 weeks after the inauguration of Chungking to Hankow airmail service.