拍品號碼 5379

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5379
起標價: 1,000 HK$
成交价: 1,600 HK$
1913年10月2日寧波寄美國西式封,背貼楷字蟠龍1分十方連,銷寧波半切漢英日戳,旁蓋上海中國郵局及日本客郵局中轉戳。上品。 f.w. CIP London ovpt. ROC 1c block of 10 on reverse, tied by Ningpo bisected bilingual cds., along with Shanghai Chinese PO and Shanghai Japanese PO transit cds. VF-F.