拍品號碼 5399

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5399
起標價: 8,000 HK$
1942年8月30日二戰時期福建建甌寄英國檢查封,單貼孫像1元票,銷福建建甌日戳,旁貼檢查封條,蓋有英國中轉和到達戳。背面另有紫色新疆迪化中轉戳,顯示罕見的戰時國際郵路。 f.w. SYS $1, tied by Fukien Kienow cds., opened by examiner and sealed at right, tied by England transit and arrival markings. On reverse showing violet Tihwa (Oct 30) transit cds. A rare international postal route during WWII.