拍品號碼 5239

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5239
起標價: 1,800 HK$
成交价: 4,400 HK$
1912年7月31日清四次片自廣東陽江廳寄日本,加貼宋字蟠龍半分票,銷少見的陽江廳腰框元年英漢日戳(日期左讀),旁蓋廣州府、廣州日本客郵局及日本中轉戳和到達戳。 uprated by CIP Statistical Dept ovpt ROC 1/2c, tied by Yeungkong 1st year (reading from left to right) bilingual cds., along with Canton Chinese PO, Canton Japanese PO and Japanese transit & arrival cds.