拍品號碼 5223

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5223
起標價: 12,000 HK$
成交价: 24,000 HK$
1908年5月27日清三次片自深圳郵政代辦所寄興寧塘,蓋有廣東新安深圳兆豐祥郵政局附直式戳,郵資圖銷廣東深圳三格干支日戳,旁蓋南頭、廣州及興寧中轉戳,背面有不清晰之到達戳。兆豐祥應是大清郵政的代理信櫃郵局,此地現在屬於深圳市寶安區松岡街道管轄,在立業路上“兆豐祥商務大廈”附近。此三次片是深圳郵品中最爲罕貴的一種。 bearing Shumchun agent Siu Feng Hsiang (probably the agent mail box of CIP) vertical cachet while indicia tied by Kwangtung Shumchun lunar year cds., along with Namtow, Canton and Hingning transit cds. On reverse with anunclear arrival cds.