拍品號碼 1272
The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340 24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong
拍品號碼 1272
起標價: 3,000 HK$
成交价: 20,000 HK$
青島市農工銀行1933年加蓋於青島地方銀行銅元50枚。評PCGS40分。青島市農工銀行存世甚短,僅於1933年發鈔,故存世例子寥寥無幾,極為珍罕。 PCGS冠軍分,難得的好品相珍鈔。
ND (1933) 50 copper (P-S1302B), serial no.: 0072976. Extremely Fine. PCGS40. Tsingtao City Agricultural and Industrial Bank is a short-lived issuer which issued banknotes in 1933 only. Only a few examples survive until today. Extremely rare and scarce. Top grading in PCGS population, 0 finer.