拍品號碼 5394

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5394
起標價: 800 HK$
成交价: 800 HK$
1935年10月2日天津寄新疆迪化平信封,單貼孫像5分票,銷天津日戳,背面蓋有紅色及黑色迪化戳各一枚。封正面寫有“由新綏汽車轉迪化”郵路指示。 1935年5月1日起新疆寄出及寄入郵費與標準國內郵費一致。 f.w. SYS 5c, tied by Tientsin cds., cover endorsed "via Sinkiang to Sui Yuan car to Tihwa" route indication. On reverse showing a red and a black Tihwa cds. From 1935 May 1st, postage to and from Sinkiang become the same as the standard domestic rate.