拍品號碼 1170

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 1170
起標價: 150,000 HK$
成交价: 150,000 HK$
香港上海滙豐銀行1922年北京地名50元樣票,華德路公司印刷,是滙豐銀行所發行紙幣中最漂亮的其中一種。完全未流通品相,評PMG 65EPQ。屬於一流品相的罕見品種,PMG冠軍分,可遇不可求,是藏家不可或缺的珍貴寶藏。

1922 Peking $50 SPECIMEN (P-S342s), printed by Waterloo & Sons Ltd. One of the most beautiful notes of HSBC. Gem UNC. PMG 65EPQ, top grading. An extremely rare note in superb condition. Highly sought after.