拍品號碼 5787

The 2022 Winter Auction - Sale 339   17th to 20th December 2022, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5787
起標價: 6,000 HK$
成交价: 6,000 HK$
1868 (Aug 15) Hong Kong to San Francisco cover, f.w. Hong Kong QV 4c vertical pair (faulty), tied by B62 obliterator, along with Hong Kong Paid All cds in red, rare oval "China and Japan Steam Service" seal (which has less than 10 known Hong Kong cover examples) and San Francisco arrival cds. This letter was carried by contract vessel "Great Republic" of Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Therefore, only 8c was charged according to the convention reached between US and Hong Kong in November 1867.