顯示 313 的 253 - 264
起標價: 1,600 HK$
f.w. Hong Kong QV 2c with HSBC perfin at top right and 12c at bottom left, tied by oval San Francisco paquebot seal, along with paquebot cachet. On reverse with San Francisco transit mark and Victoria, Canada arrival cds. VF-F.
This letter was carried by "Dorice" of Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co.
起標價: 800 HK$
成交价: 900 HK$
f.w. Hong Kong QV 2c, along with a circled "T" mark and French postage due 10c, tied by Hong Kong cds. and French triangular cancel respectively, also with French paquebot transit mark and France arrival cds. Excellent postage due item.