拍品號碼 5202C

2024冬季拍賣 - Sale 344 (12月14日至12月17)   12月14日至17日, 香港

拍品號碼 5202C
起標價: 18,000 HK$
1897年慈壽票,新幣小字加蓋,中縫漏齒變體,10c 於 6ca 褐色,變體,呈現出右上角的三枚垂直條中縫漏齒,來自版面2 [4/12],大部分原膠;頂部邊緣有部分膠層缺失,且正面可見幾處輕微色斑。居中良好,色澤鮮艷。為一個非常值得收藏的版位珍品。陳列 43c;S.G. 43c。 出自Richard Canman收藏(1972年10月)

10c on 6cd. brown, variety imperforate between vertical pair in a top right corner vertical strip of three, pane 2 [4/12], large part original gum; some gum is missing from the top margin and there are a couple of tone patches which are barely visible from the front. Well centred and good colour. A most desirable positional piece. Chans 43c; S.G. 43c, Ex Richard Canman October 1972.