拍品號碼 5219
2024冬季拍賣 - Sale 344 (12月14日至12月17) 12月14日至17日, 香港
拍品號碼 5219
起標價: 20,000 HK$
成交价: 20,000 HK$
1896年12月10日慈壽票混貼郵資自北京寄委內瑞拉,非常罕見的收件國,貼有慈壽初版2分銀票,銷北京海關漢文戳,德國10芬尼郵資片銷上海德國客郵局日戳,旁蓋藍色北京海關總署和藍色上海海關日中轉戳,背面有藍色天津海關中轉日戳。上品。刊載於關道華先生慈壽圖錄 volume I 第414 頁。罕見的混貼片。
Germany 10pf. Postal stationery card to German Legation in Venezuela (Caracas), bearing Dowager 2ca green, cancelled by Peking seal in blue, match "IG of CUSTOMS/PEKING" double-ring cds, "CUSTOMS/TIENTSIN" (11.12.1896 on reverse), and "CUSTOMS/SHANGHAI" (16.12.1896) transit cds, the indicia cancelled by Shanghai German P.O. cds (22.12.1896), very fine and fantastic usage, especially so on German UPU stationery card, to this exotic South American destination, very rare for such usage. Illustrated in Tony Kwan, volume I, p.414. (Chans 23).