The 2022 Winter Auction - Sale 339
17 – 20 December 2022
- (-) Remove The Artful House Collection of Trans-Siberian-Route Postal History filter The Artful House Collection of Trans-Siberian-Route Postal History
postcard from Taipei to France while incoming cover from Moscow to Taipei, both bearing Tsuruga transit cds., showcasing Taiwan route after the reopening of Trans-Siberian Railway in 1907.
sent from Hong Kong, Shanghai, Hankow and Foochow etc, f.w. Hong Kong issues. Plus a Hankow to Switzerland registered cover front, a 1903 UK to Tientsin incoming postcard, attached with a 1903 newspaper cutout concerning the Mail to Far East via Siberia. A very useful group for study.
f.w. Russian 1k and 7k x 3 on reverse, tied by Nagasaki transit cds. On front with boxed PAQUEBOT cachet. Vladivostok example connected to Shanghai Steamer and Minchu system. Rare.
one from Vladivostok-Amur line Paquebot to Chefoo while another is a registered postcard, from Peking to Japan via Vladivostok - Bering line and Amur. Very rare and interesting.